• All users will now get to see indexed and publicized Bard AI conversations on search results related to what you have searched for.
  • Google, so far, has not commented or made any announcements about this update. Therefore, it might be a bug as well.
  • Since it’s making Google Bard AI conversations public, users are recommended to remain vigilant with their privacy.

Conversational AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard are taking over the world. Now, they will take over everyone’s Google results as well! This is because a new update is allowing people to see indexed and published Google Bard AI conversations related to what you are searching for in your search results. 

While we have seen something similar to this already in the form of ChatGPT conversations being generated directly in real-time while you use Quora, it seems that Google is now taking a similar approach as well. 

However, the most mysterious fact about this new update is that Google never made any announcements regarding it. Therefore, many believe that this is a bug or an upcoming feature being tested out in secrecy.


You can find these conversations by typing this on the Google search bar:  site:bard.google.com/share” as you can see from the X post above.

This has got users in a frenzy since this could potentially mean that Google has been secretly saving and recording everyone’s Google Bard AI conversations. This could clearly mean an invasion of privacy, which Google has sworn not to do.

Whether or not this is a great feature remains to be seen later on. However, since Google has made no official statements, we should remain vigilant about having sensitive conversations with Google Bard for now since they might appear on Google search results now!

So what do you think of this “supposed” new update (or bug)? Let me know in the comments below!

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Debamalya Mukherjee

Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than four years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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