Google AdSense is changing how a few ad extension settings function for the search manners for AdSense for Google search. These changes took place on June 23, 2022.

To break it down, we can say Google has changed some of its extension settings for search ads. It means Search ads will also have ad extensions providing additional information like click-to-call, contact details, and site links.

Extensions Setting Changed For Search Ads

Extensions Setting Changed For Search Ads

These ad extension settings changes of Google search style include the following:

  • The extension of “Advertiser images” is going to have a new name of “Visual formats.”
  • They are removing the extension of “Media links.”
  • The former group of “Media links” extensions in the opt-out controls will have some changes. These are listed below:
Types Of ExtensionFormer Extension SettingsCurrent Settings After June 23, 2022,
App Store linksMedia linksVisual formats
Phone call linksMedia linksAdditional information 
All other extension settingsUnchanged 

According to Google, this change will enhance the alignment of the existing extension types and their gradual evolvement. The organization also added that the changes will support the arrival of upcoming extension types to search ads.

These changes will enhance the already existing beneficial aspects of ad extensions. For example,

  • Ad extensions broaden the physical size of your ad. Therefore, the additional extension will enhance the visibility of your ad and draw the subconscious attention of your viewers.
  • These extension changes will allow you to increase the relevance of your ad. For instance, it will make your snippet strong to let your viewer know that you have the services they are searching for.
  • They will also enable you to drive direct conversions from the ad by including additional information.

You can utilize these updated extension settings in your search style to customize the extension. Turning on these extensions will improve the revenue performance. 

Check the following points out to get a guide on how you can customize these settings:

Visual formats: If you turn this on, your ads will appear with image extensions. It will positively impact your credibility.

Additional information: Turning this setting on will enable your ads to show price information and special highlights in your search style. It will eventually provide more details to your viewers.

Site links: You can turn this on if you want your site links to appear in the search style of your AdSense. Why not offer your audience more info with these ad extension settings?

Moreover, you can utilize the new ad extensions by reviewing your extension setting and aligning your preference with your choice. Stay tuned with us to get further updates like this in the future.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of SEM and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of SMM.

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