Google might bring a new refinement to its search results, which might dumb down results. This will help improve your search result and essentially ease it down.

You should now see the ‘simple search’ or ‘topics refinement button’ at the head of your mobile and desktop search.

According to this new adjustment, clicking the button will readjust the search results. Overall, it gives you a shorter SERP with blogs and websites catering to your needs. This chucks out the complexity of too many search results and ‘simplify’ it for more clarification.

Sometimes, you do not wish to read an entire article to get to that one simple answer. Plus, your search might not be for gathering information; it could be purely e-commerce.

Therefore, if you aren’t keen to see the feature snippets, the ‘people also want to know’ snippets ‘e-commerce’ website snippets when researching. (source)

You will be handed pure, simple information with blogs answering them. The concept is pretty simple, as the name suggests. It is to give the audience the optimal user experience.

Recently, the Google core update has been all about user experience refinement. That is, helping the audience get the best result from their searches.

This means preventing useless spam-my blogs from coming up to the SERP. Many websites have already endured a fall in traffic since then.

Now, after this ‘simple search’ update, SEO experts are nervous about how it will affect their website again. Although experts say that there is nothing to worry about –

‘Simple serach’ has been a part of the Google SERP for quite some time now. However, it has been made simpler by search engines. So, overcomplicating one’s content will not assist anymore.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of SEM and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of SMM.

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