Nowadays, it seems like everyone is on Instagram and uses it more than any other social media app. So since you have been on this platform, that means you are certainly aware of the error message, “we limit how often Instagram.” 

So, what have you done till now to avoid or remove these limits? Probably creating another backup profile or maybe resetting or changing the password. 

Instagram is an important platform for the modern generation to express themselves, their emotions, and their creativity and also use it as a source of income. 

But when a user gets this error message, this means that Instagram bans that account temporarily, so what are you going to do then? 

Why Is Instagram Telling Me To Try Again? 

we limit how often Instagram

Most often, you might see that you are receiving certain errors when you are either liking something or commenting somewhere. 

The message will read something like this: “ We limit how often you can do a few things on Instagram.” This will ban or forbid the account user from using a few features on Instagram. 

Normally limit how often Instagram protects our community error messages on Instagram last only about 24 – 48 hours. After the error is gone, the user can use the account as usual until the limit is crossed again.

Read More: How To Fix ”We Restrict Certain Activity To Protect Our Community Error On Instagram?

How Do You Remove Limits On Instagram?

If you receive this error message, we limit how often Instagram responds, but if you wanna remove it as fast as you can, then here are a few things that you can do as an error message. We limit how often Instagram solutions. 

1. Change The Instagram Password

we limit how often Instagram

In order to change the password of your Instagram account, here are the steps you need to follow. 

  • Open the Instagram app on your phone, or open the website if you are using a computer
  • Go to the homepage of your Instagram account and log in using your existing credentials. 
  • Now that you are logged in, click on your profile icon at the top right corner of the homepage. 
  • From the drop-down menu, choose the settings option.
  • From that drop-down menu, choose the “Change Password” option. 
  • Now there, enter your old Instagram password and the New Password that you want, and then confirm the new password.
  • Then when you feel everything is perfect, click on “Change Password” button.
  • Lo and behold, your Instagram password has changed. 

2. Reinstall The Instagram App

we limit how often Instagram

Another way of removing that error message is “we limit how often Instagram,” you can always uninstall and then reinstall your Instagram account. 

Uninstalling an app on the phone is very easy, and I am sure everyone knows it. But if you are not sure how to do it on your computer, then here are the steps for that. 

  • Press simultaneously the Windows key and I key. This will open your Settings app. 
  • From there, select the Apps option from the left side. 
  • Then on the Apps panel, click on the Installed Apps option. 
  • On the search bar, type Instagram. 
  • Then click on the three dots beside the Instagram app.
  • From there, the uninstall option. 
  • Then again, click on the Uninstall box to confirm the action. 
  • This action will uninstall the app from your system.
  • Now you need to open the Microsoft Store app. 
  • There on the search bar, again, type Instagram and click on it. 
  • After opening it click on the Install button that is on the Instagram page. 
  • Now that you clicked on the install option, the app will start downloading in your system. 

3. Create A Backup Profile

If you’re a long-time Instagram user, then getting Instagram to try again later we limit error messages is not a surprise for you. To deal with such problems, you have already created a backup Instagram account, just in case. 

So if your main account got temporarily banned with this error message, then you can easily work with your backup Instagram account for the time being. 

It is not a big deal to create another Instagram account for your work to deal with such inconveniences that might happen. 

4. Report The Problem

Another way of dealing with such a problem is by directly contacting Instagram for some assistance. So if you are facing a problem with the error message “we limit how often Instagram,” then if you feel that you didn’t do anything wrong. 

Report the problem to Instagram by going to the Help option in Settings and there click on the option Report a problem. 

6. Use Instagram Automation Tools

If you want to regulate your Instagram activities so that you don’t get an error message like that again, then there are certain automation tools that you can use. These tools are such as Kicksta, SocialPilot, and Later, which are of great benefits to the user. 

These tools help the user regulate Instagram activities of the user from regulating likes, comments, and follows. They also suggest the best time to post and add stories on Instagram. 

These tools would definitely make sure that you won’t be getting error messages like “we limit how often Instagram” anymore. 

Read More: How To See Who Saved Your Instagram Post?

Wrapping Up!

So now that you are aware of the error message we limit how often Instagram is and a few ways how to remove such messages from your Instagram

Now you need to work on Instagram more carefully so that with this error message, Instagram doesn’t temporarily ban your account again.

If you liked this article about error messages on Instagram, then leave us a like and comment down below.

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Nabamita Sinha

Nabamita Sinha loves to write about lifestyle and pop-culture. In her free time, she loves to watch movies and TV series and experiment with food. Her favorite niche topics are fashion, lifestyle, travel, and gossip content. Her style of writing is creative and quirky.

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