Online visibility is essential to ensure that your target audience notices your brand. You must apply the best strategies to rank high on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Perhaps, you’ve never thought you could expand your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts by leveraging your customer relationship management (CRM) system.

If you’ve been relying on a manual system to manage your customers, you might be asking yourself what is a customer relationship management tool.

A CRM system helps your business nurture your leads, retain converted leads, and establish good relationships with your customers.

In addition, a CRM helps your business improve customer support and user experience. There are many types of CRMs, such as sales, marketing, Gmail, social, mobile, open-source, and analytical.

Here are strategies to help you improve your SEO through your CRM software:

1. Craft High-Quality Content

Avoid writing content to meet specific quotas only when writing content for your advertising purposes. Instead, ensure that your content is curated and precisely meets the target audience’s needs.

Marketing experts will advise you to focus on your customers’ pain points. Having done that, you’ll make your content relevant and relatable to your audience.

With that said, leverage the conversations that your customers leave behind and are stored in the customer relationship management system. You can glean essential ideas from the conversations to help you address your customers effectively.

Therefore, ensure that you engage your customers through all your channels, as supported by your customer relationship management system.

In addition, carry out regular product surveys. These are essential for product improvement. In your surveys, you can ask your audience about the challenges they’re facing while using your product. Moreover, ask them about the areas you can improve to make the product better.

You can use all these pieces of information to create quality content for your blog or product descriptions. You may include the improvements you’ve made to your products in your content. This is critical because customer searches might focus on what’s lacking in your product. As a result, you need to make your content visible through the correct information.

2. Strategize On Keyword Research

2. Strategize On Keyword Research

The foremost thing that comes to many people’s minds when they hear about search engine optimization is keywords.

That’s fine because many people will search for products using specific keywords that describe a product. As a result, you need to optimize your content with relevant keywords to improve your online visibility.

You might be wondering how a CRM helps you improve your SEO campaigns. To begin with, closely monitor your CRM conversations with your customers.

Then, be keen to note words or word phrases that seem to be common among the customers. Lastly, note them down on your list of keywords.

This is an effective way of getting keywords since they directly come from your customers. In most cases, when you first go to a keyword research tool, you may get general keywords that exist online. But, when you pay attention to the keywords used by your customers, you’ll get customer-specific ones.

On top of that, you can use a keyword tool to search for related keywords to the ones you’ve collected from your CRM. A keyword tool will help you identify both short and long-tail keywords. In addition, you can generate keyword phrases for your content.

Another advantage of using a keyword tool at this point is to establish the search volume and competition of your keywords.

Best SEO practices demand that you capitalize on keywords with a high search volume. A high search volume means that customers frequently use the words to search for your products online. In addition, identify the keywords with low competition for better content performance.

In a nutshell, you ought to strike a balance of keyword search volume and competition for best-performing keywords.

3. Do More Guest Blogging

Apart from optimizing your content with keywords and writing quality content, you can also boost the performance of your SEO strategies through guest blogging. Search engines monitor inbound and outbound links to establish high-authority websites. High authority websites get much better SEO rankings in SERPs.

Therefore, to improve the ranking of your website, you may start a link-building strategy. Your CRM effectively facilitates your search for websites that allow guest authors to post content. After identifying such websites, you can then reach out to them for cross-promotion.

Link your website to as many websites as possible. Focus more on writing blogs for other websites rather than waiting for them to write blogs that link to your websites.

Websites referenced more by other blogs are flagged as credible by search engine crawlers. As a result, this improves your ranking on the search engine results pages.

4. Improve Your Social Media Presence

4. Improve Your Social Media Presence

When searching for companies online, your search results include their social media channels. It shows that social media is another metric that search engine algorithms use to rank content online.

You can integrate a CRM with your social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. As such, monitor the communications from your social media accounts to understand what your followers want.

This will help you know the kind of news feed you should send. Then, craft content that’s relevant to the needs of your social media audience. In addition, optimize your content with the right keywords to improve your visibility.

Like your website, the right keywords and quality content will make your social media pages appear on the search results. Thus, boost your media accounts with regular content that aligns with what your audience is searching for.

Final Thoughts

CRM software is a powerful tool that most people are yet to realize. Probably, you’ve never thought that a CRM can help you level up your SEO performance. Hopefully, this article has been informative and enlightened you on how you can leverage your CRM to improve your ranking on the search engine results pages. In addition, you can get a lot more information online about how a CRM can help you improve your SEO strategies.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of SEM and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of SMM.

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