Did you know that most web searchers never look past the first page of search results? Who needs statistics when it sounds just like you or your friends?

Leading search engines like Google have requirements that you need to be aware of as you design and build your site. And where do they all begin? On-page SEO.

But what exactly is on-page SEO? You know it’s the practice of adding or tweaking elements in your website so web users can easily find it, but how do you do that?

6 Prime Factors To Look For While Optimizing On-page SEO

If you have even more questions in your mind, let’s sort all the answers out with this on-page local seo checklist that we have created for you.

If you’re ready to increase your search ranking, let’s get started!

1. Title and Meta Tags

Both the title and meta tags give an idea about the content of your page. To make them work, make sure they speak of your page and site accurately.

heading and title

This way, you will not only impress web users, but search engines are also likely to raise your ranking on this point alone.

2. URL Structure

People are more likely to find your website if they can remember it easily.

url structure

No matter how sophisticated you want your brand to be, your URL is where you want it to come down to its barest basic.

3. Headings and Subheadings

Headings and subheadings don’t only make it easier for your web visitors to scan your content. Search engines can also return search results more accurately.

Headings and Subheadings

That means people who end up on your website will be happy being there because you have provided exactly the information they need – thanks to your headings and subheadings.

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4. Keywords

This is probably the most basic of all on-page SEO techniques. Keywords are words or phrases that people usually type into a search box when looking for something online.


When your keywords are on point, search engines are more likely to find you and list you in search results.

5. Images

What’s great about on-page SEO is that even your images can help you get found through online searches.

image optimization

Just by assigning accurate file names and alt tags to your images, you increase your chances of being found through a search engine. Here’s more info to help you search-optimize your images.

Linking your pages to other related websites, including your own social media pages, is another good way to improve your on-page SEO.

internal links

Again, with those links, search engines will find it easier to associate your website with certain types of content. That means they can also find you more quickly when a web user searches for something you have.

Hold On to That On-Page SEO Checklist

If you want to rank higher in search engines, you need to stay faithful to this on-page SEO checklist that we have created for you.

It will help you ensure that you’ve covered all your bases so you can start seeing those higher rankings.

Do you want to learn more about SEO? Please check out the rest of our articles.



Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of SEM and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of SMM.

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