Training a student in a specific subject can take place in different forms. It is important to acquire in-depth knowledge through practical research in addition to studying theoretical foundations.

What Is A Research Paper?

This is an important part of the educational program at schools and higher education institutions. A research project is a paper a student prepares independently on a predetermined topic. Research work is prepared for presentation at a conference or certification event and often involves grading.

The requirements for what should be included in a research paper are provided by the educational institutions, so their compliance is strictly checked when accepting a research paper for defense. For those who have difficulties in meeting all the requirements, we offer the best site to buy research paper. Writers who work there stick to all customers’ instructions while writing papers.

Now, let’s find out what you should include in your research paper about social media’s effects on society.


Here is a brief overview of the research work done. Existing rules require the introduction to raise issues and define goals, hypotheses, and objectives, providing a rationale for research.

  1. Relevance

The study’s author must demonstrate the scientific and practical significance of the chosen topic. It can be done in the following way:


“Relevance and choice of research topic

A few months ago, I registered on the social network Facebook. In addition, I know that many of my classmates are also registered on various social networks, and some of them spend a significant part of their time on their pages.

The relevance of the topic of my research work lies in the fact that more and more people, including children, register on social networks and spend a lot of time there. Therefore, I decided to find out whether we spend time on our pages on social networks with benefits or without them and learn the positive and negative effects of social media.”

  1. Hypothesis

hypothesis is the assumption formulated by the author of the paper. In the future, in the course of the research, they must prove the truth or falsehood of their version. The confirmation should be the results of experiments or theoretical research.


“Research hypothesis: Let’s assume that social networks are a very interesting, educational activity for society that does not cause harm.”

  1. Goals and tasks

The author of the research paper must indicate the result that they strive for when performing the work. This will be the goal. The tasks are included in the form of a step-by-step algorithm. An improperly formulated task may resemble a plan for preparing the research paper, but research should be conducted and hypotheses tested before writing the paper.



  1. A study of the positive and negative effects of social networks on people.
  2. Forming ideas about the basic rules that should be followed when spending time on social networks so as not to harm yourself.

The following tasks follow from the set goals:

  1. To find out what a social network is and when it appeared.
  2. To identify the most popular social networks in the world and their functions.
  3. To survey to identify the number of people registered on social networks and their attitude to their usefulness.
  4. To conduct a “week without social networks” experiment.
  5. To conclude the benefits and harms of communication on social networks.”
  6. Subject and object

It’s crucial to differentiate between these two ideas:

  • An object is a phenomenon or structure as a whole that creates the basis for study.
  • An object can have multiple aspects, which we call subjects.


“An object of research: social networks.

A subject of research: the influence of social networks on society.”

  1. Research methods

This term refers to the methodology used to study the subject. Depending on the specific object and purpose, options for obtaining the necessary information change.


“Research methods: observation, questionnaires, study of literature, Internet sources.”

Main part

The designated topic is fully revealed here.

  1. First Chapter

The first chapter of the study reviews the literature used, including the reasons for choosing these sources, their relevance, and significance.

You can start this chapter in the following way:

“Using Wikipedia data, I learned that a social network is a site designed for people to communicate and exchange information between them.”

  1. Sections reflecting the progress of the research

Here, the author describes the work done, analyzes third-party methods and results, compares them with their own, and builds an argumentative basis for formulating conclusions. For experimental work, a detailed description of the issue being studied and the effectiveness of the applied solutions may be required. Traditionally, the main part contains various illustrative materials – graphs, charts, and diagrams.

You can start the following chapters in this way:

“I developed questionnaires (Appendix 3), which helped me find out the number of people registered on social networks and attitudes towards them. People of different ages were selected for the survey. Twenty-nine people took part in the survey. After processing answers, I received the results that are presented in Appendix 4.”


Here, a summary of the research is presented:

  • Determine the accuracy of the formulated hypothesis.
  • The results of solving the assigned problems are presented.
  • Recommendations for their use are given.
  • Further prospects for studying the topic are considered.


“During the research work, the hypothesis that social networks do not cause harm was not confirmed.

Also during the study:

  • I learned about the history of social networks, the most popular social networks in the world.
  • I found out what benefits and harms social networks bring to people.
  • I realized that, of course, we cannot hide from progress. The Internet and social networks have become part of the life of a modern person, but we need to use social media wisely.
  • I propose to strive to replace online communication with friends and acquaintances by talking on the phone, walking together, and going to the cinema, theater, and other places.

I confirmed in practice that life without social media is not only possible but also useful and interesting. This experience was exhilarating and useful for me. It made me think about how we sometimes waste our time in vain.”

More Resources:


Barsha Bhattacharya

Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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