Becoming an influencer and maintaining that popular status are both complicated tasks. Once you’ve managed to attract a sizable audience to your social media accounts, keeping them interested in the things you do as well as the products and services you’re promoting is a step up in difficulty. 

Today, with so many influencers vying for the attention of both their audience and businesses, the world of influencer marketing has become incredibly competitive.

4 Tips To Keeping The Touch With Your Audiences As An Influencer:

As an influencer, your audiences are your most enormous admirer. And satisfying them is a key to maintaining the balancing conditions in your page view and visit rate.

Here are four tips. Read them and know how to maintain a healthy relationship with your audiences.

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 1. Connect With Others

 1. Connect With Others

Influencers don’t all need to compete with each other. You may think that those within your chosen industry are your rivals, and while these negative relationships can form between social media personalities, it’s just as possible that you could work together with other popular influencers in this area, essentially combining your fanbases and increasing the success of both of you. 

Outside of your sphere as an influencer and knowledge, you can also connect and collaborate with other influencers, expanding both of your audiences in the process.

For example, if you’re based in Nashville, you can reach out and collaborate with nashville influencers, fostering mutual growth and engagement.

2. Allow People To Send You Gifts and Good Wishes

2. Allow People To Send You Gifts and Good Wishes

Another way in which you can engage with your followers is to allow them to send you gifts and mail. Whether it’s a token of their admiration or a hand-made trinket created by a talented supporter, allowing them to send you these things for you to then respond to on your social media platforms can increase engagement substantially. 

Ensure you provide a virtual physical address as opposed to your actual home-based mailing address for security purposes, of course. Companies like offer an excellent service that allows you to read your mail online, as well as redirect mail and packages to your home safely and securely. 

3. Understand Your Industry Requirements

Understand Your Industry Requirements

The chances are that you have a solid grasp of how your chosen industry works. If you’re a makeup guru, you will have likely gained popularity due to your understanding and knowledge of these products. Similarly, if you’re a tech expert, your advice and useful tips on how tech works, as well as the practical applications of those devices, will have drawn in crowds of supporters. 

However, it can be easy to get swept up in the role of being an influencer, so make sure you don’t allow yourself to redirect your focus to that, rather than continue to learn more as your industry shifts and changes. Otherwise, there’s a high risk of you getting left behind as other, more knowledgeable influencers appear to take your place.

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4. Engage With Your Audiences Instead Of Dictate

Engage With Your Audiences Instead Of Dictate

While you may have built up a great fan base or audience, the act of dictating your life and thoughts to them can get stale over time, and this is just one of many mistakes influencers can make. If you are constantly shamelessly telling people about the offerings of the businesses you’re promoting, it can quickly become apparent that you’re becoming a glorified salesperson. 

This will increase the risk of your audience unfollowing you out of irritation and a lack of enjoyment. Instead, try engaging with your audience wherever possible. Encourage questions and answer them promptly and run community engagement events like live chats via your social accounts.

As well as this, find ways in which you can be a bit more subtle with your affiliate marketing so as to not look as though you’re simply exploiting the attention your audience gives you as an influencer.


As an influencer, your expectations are pretty more uncomplicated. You just want more like and views. But this is only possible when you are taking care of your audience’s opinions. So follow these tips, and I can guarantee your audience will feel much more connected with your blog. And every day, you will experience more audiences for your blog.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of SEM and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of SMM.

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