It’s clear that the digital age has transformed the workplace; however, what’s shocking is that many enterprises are doing nothing about it. There is a lot of talk about digital transformations and the advantages it brings to organizations.

Technology keeps evolving, and the UAE is at the forefront of embracing every good thing that comes with it. The digital age is broad and takes many forms like Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Cloud, Insure Tech, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), etc. The digital age means technology evolution from mechanical devices and analog electronics to digital technology.

What is Digital Labor?

Digital labor is a new concept that emerged in the late 2000s; it analyzes new ways of bringing value to digital platforms. It explores a new way of working: ‘datafied’ and ‘taskfied.’ ‘Datafied’ means generating data; this enables digital platforms to derive data. ‘Taskfied’ means regulating the human activity to produce data effectively.

Companies have to embrace technology to keep up with the times; however, many don’t know where to begin and handle their workforce. Although technological changes seem to happen quickly; this happens gradually. Likewise, digital labor will grow in stages; this will allow organizations to start at the bottom and work their way to the top. Unlike what most people think, digital labor does not displace employees; it acts more as an assistant.

How to Develop Talent in the Digital Labor Era

Digital Labor Era

The digital age is transforming how organizations select, recruit, and develop employee talents. Here are digital strategies to develop talent in this era;


Most organizations face specific challenges during the recruitment process, for instance, difficulty finding qualified personnel, identifying individuals with the right talents, and qualified entry-level workers. Organizations can counter these challenges by utilizing internal resources. An individual already working in the firm does not require to perfectly fit a position to be given an opportunity to grow and develop professionally. An employee can acquire new skills by attending leadership training Dubai workshops, which is cost-effective than hiring a new worker.

Organizations can also opt for hires from an alternative workforce; all roles don’t have to be permanent. Make it clear that roles can be permanent, temporary, job share, or remote; this will attract more applicants to the position. Technology can be useful in this case; for instance, social media platforms are ideal for reaching out to the alternative workforce. Another strategy is to update your talent for recruitment technology. This allows firms to search, assess, screen, and pick talents effectively.


Technology is continually evolving; robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change skill requirements and work demand. Many people believe that technology will render many people jobless in the coming years because of automation. Most organizations are reskilling their employees to move with the changing times; leadership training Abu Dhabi seminars can help employees learn new skills and improve their talents. For example, someone moving into an HR role could make use of a resource like this HR list of terms to help them learn the unique terms and language associated with HR that they will be encountering in their new role. With the proper support, an employee could really shine in a role they hadn’t ever pictured themselves in.

Organizations can encourage continuous learning; executives need to act as coaches and mentors; this enables the team to be effective and productive. Coaching is one of the easiest ways to foster skills, while mentoring helps prepare employees for more responsibilities.

Talent development can also involve developing work-centered learning strategies to help employees to upgrade their skills as a part of their routine at the workplace. Organizations can do this with virtual learning by tapping into technology to understand training programs, augmented reality devices, and integral training for the team.

Show Employees their Value

Organizations need to show workers their value and how they contribute to the overall mission. This mission can change as the economy fluctuates, and the industry transforms over time. Communicate with your team how individual efforts contribute to the organization’s mission. Firms that master successful talent management train employees so that they can easily transition to leadership positions.

It is challenging to find individuals with experience and the right talents. There will always be competition for exceptional leaders; this is made more challenging because organizations have to attract and retain the best-skilled personnel.

Executives need to identify talented team members and promoting an environment that nurtures them and sourcing outside talent to reinforce the organization’s efficiency. This can be done by creating multiple channels to acquire talents, such as LinkedIn. Empowering new employees by creating social networks that promote real-time interaction among peers, new hires, and mentoring teams are also beneficial.

Organizations should also adopt cloud platforms that allow employees to access Human Resource information and other vital data throughout the day. This enables employees to understand and tolerate each other, and everybody works towards the organization’s goals.

The modern workplace is transforming as technology advances, and those who refuse to adapt to the changes will be left behind. Leading companies know how to quickly adapt to technology and transition successfully. You cannot do this without focusing on talent development; employees determine the success of a company. You should identify and develop relevant skills and competencies.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of SEM and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of SMM.

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