It is difficult to imagine the world today without the internet.

An average person spends around 147 minutes on social media in a day. It’s no surprise that investing in digital marketing has become vital for businesses and for building a small business website.

Most individuals look up the product or service they need on Google, and if your webpage is not on the search engine’s first page, they likely will never know about your business.

What Are The SEO Tips You Can Apply For Your Small Business Website?

I think you already know what the cost of a small business website is. This is obvious while you are investing that much money; you do not want to waste it.

Small businesses have to compete with more prominent companies, and effective search engine optimization (SEO) can help them level the field. 

If you’re based in Australia, you can hire a local web design Melbourne service to get help with your website’s SEO. Here are some SEO tips that can help boost traffic to your small business website:

1. Master The Basics

You may be aware of many advanced SEO tips that attract larger audiences and increase sales, but they are useless if you do not provide a strong base.  Even the best free website builder for small businesses can not run without SEO.

Most small business websites get a poor return on investment because they use advanced SEO, while their choice of keywords and phrases remains abysmal. 

They overstuff the page with keywords or forget the importance of adding internal and external links. Getting the basics right can significantly increase your web traffic without any augmentation. You can ensure this by:

Basic SEO
1. Figuring out the best keywords and phrases to use on your webpage. You can find out what terms have the greatest market attention from Google Trends. However, do not clutter your website with keywords. Whenever you use a keyword, make it look natural.
2. Create internal links to the webpage you want to promote. The more pages you link to your webpage, both within your website and out of it, the better it gets ranked by the Google search algorithm.

2. Master Local Optimization

Small businesses have one advantage over large multinational corporations: they can specialize in one locality. As a small business, you know your niche best, so leverage your advantage and target local web traffic in your digital marketing campaign. For a tour business, to enhance your business and connect with potential customers in your area, consider implementing tour operator SEO. This specialized approach to search engine optimization is tailored to tour operators like you, helping you reach local audiences searching for unique travel experiences.

Additionally, communities prefer to shop locally, so if you target local SEO correctly, you can get a good return on investment. 

There are multiple best free website builders for small businesses available online. But along with website building, SEO optimizations are more important. An SEO-optimized small business website can actually get your desired audiences in the right spot.

Local SEO

Here’s how you can optimize your local SEO:

1. Keep an active Google Business account
2. Run marketing schemes based on locations and give incentives to your local buyers
3. Prominently feature local reviews and testimonials on your website
4. Integrate local web pages your buyers will likely visit in your external links

3. Make Sure Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly

Most people surf the web on their phones, owing to the importance of mobile-focused marketing.

Mobile-friendly sites are also ranked better by the Google search algorithm, so making your website mobile-friendly can vastly improve your website traffic. 

Innovations like HTML 5 can help you create a more responsive, mobile-friendly design. In fact, TikTok is already harnessing the responsiveness of HTML 5 to create mini-games that work well on mobile phones.

Mobile-Friendly website

Make sure your meta descriptions and titles are concise, as the reading space on phones is considerably less. If the website has any buttons, ensure they are thumb-sized. Your menus and images shouldn’t overlap, and your layout should automatically adjust to the screen size.

Authority buildings are another attractive way to build up a successful business. For example, with the small business website design, you can actually build up a nice authority over the audiences. 

Your audiences are one target, and another target is to build up more authority links. Yes, how to do that? Always spot a niche from the start.

With more sites that are going to carry your site’s link, your rank will go to be much higher. So along with the quality content publishing, you have to build up more authority links for your site. 

Authority Links

Offer multiple site owners to carry your site links. And how to do that link building. Yes, with link building, you can accomplish the work.

Always focus on the quality of links.  That means when you are making connections with the other websites, the authority sites are going to be on your first priority list.

5. Research On The Right Keywords

Every small business website is unique and has specific niches. So, whenever you are starting to publish the content, always do research on the keywords of the topic first.

How to do that? Research the topics and then find all the relevant keywords for your content creation.

First, understand what the present trend going on is. Then starting to research the content and its keywords. Then you will see how the content is performing. You have to understand some of the important segments first. For example, a small business means a business that is budding. 

Right Keywords

Yes, that is the reason while you are creating the content, you always have to remember you are righting for the search engine then your audiences. As people are not aware of your brand’s names. 

They are not going to visit your page. But when you are researching the topics and the FK, you will know exactly! What are the requirements of your audience?

And you can reach them any time. So when you are retaining any content for your website, always make sure you are reaching the keywords first.


Your small business needs a strong internet presence to stay relevant in the information age. While more prominent companies may leave you little breathing room otherwise, SEO optimization is one way you can compete with them. Consider hiring an SEO expert to increase your web traffic.  These are the five tips that you can apply to build up and run a small business website. Do you have any suggestions in mind? You can share your opinion through the comment sections.



Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of SEM and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of SMM.

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