Google Advanced Image Search is an invaluable feature that allows users to perform more refined and specific searches for images.

It offers a variety of filters and options to tailor image searches based on specific criteria. Publishers and designers have lauded this feature for making finding the desired images accurate and more effortless.

In addition, it has often been used alongside Google Drawings to get accurate images in your search results. 

Therefore, to learn how to use Google Advanced Image Search best, read this post till the end.

If you wish to learn how to use Google Advanced Image Search to find specific images, follow the steps below:

To access advanced image search Google, you must:

  1. Go to Google Images: Open your web browser and navigate to
  2. Access Advanced Search: Click on “Settings” (the gear icon) at the bottom right corner of the Google Images homepage.
  3. Select “Advanced Search”: From the dropdown menu, select “Advanced Search” to access the advanced search options for images.

2. Use Advanced Search Filters

To accurately search for specific images, you can use Google Image search advanced settings and filters like:

  • Enter Keywords: In the “all these words” field, enter specific keywords related to the image you’re looking for. This makes it similar to Amazon Advanced Search.
  • Image Types: Choose the type of image you need (portraits, clip art, line drawings, animated images, etc.) from the “Type” dropdown menu.
  • Size and Dimensions: You can specify the size of the images you’re looking for. Therefore, choose from small, medium, and large. In addition, you can enter the exact dimensions in pixels.
  • Color and Image Type: Select a color or combination using the “Color” dropdown menu. Therefore, you can filter images by file types (JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc.) under the “File type” section.
  • Usage Rights: Determine the usage rights for images by selecting options such as “labeled for reuse,” “labeled for non-commercial reuse,” “labeled for reuse with modification,” etc., to ensure compliance with copyright and usage restrictions.
  • Time: You can specify the date when the images were published or updated using the “Time” dropdown menu.
  • Site or Domain: If you want images from a specific website or domain, enter its name in the “site or domain” field.

3. Review And Select Images

Did you know you can use Google Lookup images beside Google Advanced Image Search to review them before selecting them? You can do so by:

  • View Search Results: Click the “Advanced Search” button at the bottom of the page to display the results based on your specified criteria.
  • Review Images: Browse through the images presented based on your applied filters.
  • Select Images: Click on the thumbnails to view them in full size, or visit the website hosting the image for more information.

4. Download Images

Once you have got the images that you were looking for, you can finally download them by following these steps:

  1. Download Images: Once you find the desired image, right-click on it and select “Save image as” to download it to your computer.
  2. Save for Future Reference: Bookmark or save the URL of the image or the website where you found the image for future reference or citation.

Google Advanced Image Search offers several advantages that make it a valuable tool for various purposes:

This tool allows you to refine image searches based on specific criteria like size, color, type, usage rights, and dimensions. Therefore, this specificity helps find images that closely match the desired attributes.

2. Tailored Search Results

Using advanced filters saves users time by getting more targeted results. Therefore, it prevents the need to sift through numerous irrelevant images.

3. Compliance With Usage Rights

While using this free Google images tool, you must learn more about its legal and ethical uses. The usage rights filters help users find images that comply with copyright and usage restrictions. 

Therefore, this ensures that images can be used legally and ethically for various purposes, whether personal, educational, or commercial. Video editors often use Google Advanced Search for their video production needs.

4. Visual Content For Varied Needs

Using Google Advanced Image Search, you can search for specific image types, like clipart and GIFs. Therefore, based on the particular requirements, you can search for different kinds of images, from portraits to Google clip art.

5. Customization And Personalization

You can customize your Advanced Image Search by setting preferences like image size, color, or type. Therefore, it allows you to find more personalized and relevant images to suit your needs. However, I recommend using Google Color Picker to find the exact color. 

6. Finding High-Quality Images

You can apply a filter by resolution to specify image sizes or resolutions. Therefore, this ensures that you find high-quality images suitable for your needs, whether it’s for print or digital use.

7. Research And Educational Purposes

You can use Advanced Image Search for academic and research purposes to find images specific to your subjects. Therefore, this helps you ensure accuracy and relevance in your visual content.

8. Professional And Commercial Use

Marketing, design, or content creation professionals can find images that align with their branding or design requirements. Therefore, it helps them to enhance the visual appeal of their projects, aligning it with your audience insights.

9. Efficient Browsing And Selection

Use the Quick Preview and Selection options to preview and select images quickly. Therefore, it saves time and streamlines the process of finding the right visual content.

10. Discovering New Visual Content

Using Google Advanced Image Search options, you might discover images they wouldn’t have found with a basic search. Therefore, this allows for exploration and finding new and diverse visual content.

11. Localization And Domain-Specific Searches

You can use domain-specific searches to find images from specific websites or domains. Therefore, this allows you to ensure the relevance and authenticity of the source of the images.

Here are detailed tips for making the most of Google Advanced Image Search:

1. Use Specific Keywords

Use clear and specific keywords that describe the image you’re looking for. Moreover, include additional details like color, size, type, and other unique characteristics.

2. Utilize Filters Effectively

Always try to specify the size and type of image you need (faces, clip art, photos, etc.). This ensures you get images that match your requirements.

3. Refine By Color And Usage Rights

Choose the specific color or combination you need if color is important. For example, you can select the appropriate usage rights (e.g., “labeled for reuse” or “labeled for non-commercial reuse”). This helps you to find images that you can use legally and ethically.

4. Experiment With Time And Domains

Use the time filter to find recently published or updated images, especially useful for finding the most recent content. Therefore, if you’re looking for images from a specific website or domain, use this filter to narrow down results.

5. Combine Filters For Precision

You can combine different filters for more precise results. For instance, combine size, color, and type filters for highly specific searches.

6. Check Image Sizes And Resolution

Before downloading an image, preview it in full size to ensure it meets your resolution requirements. Therefore, check the image dimensions to ensure it fits your needs.

7. Verify Sources And Authenticity

Always click on the website link hosting the image to verify its authenticity, quality, and relevance. Therefore, it will allow you to ensure it’s credible. Moreover, it will prevent you from facing any Google Image Copyright strikes.

8. Save Search Parameters For Future Use

If you frequently search for similar images, save the URL or bookmark the advanced search settings page. This will allow you to access the webpage in the future quickly.

Try using synonyms or related terms if your initial search doesn’t yield the desired results. Moreover, this can broaden the scope of your search, like you can do with the Creative Market.

Always remember to check the specific usage rights associated with the image to ensure compliance with copyright and licensing terms.

11. Experiment And Explore

Don’t hesitate to experiment with different filters and combinations. However, sometimes, unexpected searches can lead to the discovery of unique and valuable images!

If you have an image and want to find similar ones or track its source, use Google Advanced Image Search. In addition, try using Google’s reverse image search to reverse search video by uploading the image or entering its URL.


Google Advanced Image Search is a powerful tool that allows users to narrow down their image searches, ensuring they find the most relevant and suitable images based on specific criteria. 

Therefore, it’s beneficial for various purposes, from personal projects to educational use and commercial endeavors. Moreover, it also ensures compliance with copyright and usage rights.

Additionally, try implementing these tips and utilizing various filters and functionalities available in Google Advanced Image Search. This will enhance the efficiency of your image searches, ensuring you find the most relevant and suitable images.

Moreover, if you have any more queries, comment your questions below!

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Debamalya Mukherjee

Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than four years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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