Most of you might not be aware of the vast world that exists beyond Google. Google is so much attached to our lives that we do not feel the necessity of looking in-depth. But Google is not the end. 

There is something called the Metasearch engine which you need to know about. The present article mainly focuses on explaining meta-search engines, including their merits and demerits, a basic concept, and examples. Moreover, its relation to SEO research has been focused upon in the later section of this guide.

Read this article carefully from end to end so that you can become a pro in searching any topic on these platforms.  

What Is A Metasearch Engine?

What Is A Metasearch Engine?A metasearch engine, AKA search aggregator, is a digital information extraction platform. It utilizes web search data to generate its results. These types of search engines receive input from the users and interrogate for results in the form of queries. The process completes when they present relevant, high-quality, and optimum data to the users. Many companies, mainly hotels and travel agencies, use metasearch engine marketing extensively. This metasearch engine helps potential clients compare hotel booking options without visiting every site.

In some cases, certain technical complications, including spamming, hurt the clarity and accuracy of results. However, it is a common problem for most search engines. The fusion process here improves the engineering model of a meta search engine. 

Meta-search engines can give generalized results on one hand while specialized results on a vertical or a niche on the other. It is where the primary characteristic of the Meta-search engine lies. 

Do Meta-Search Engines Facilitate SEO Research?

To be very precise, they are gems to SEOs and SEMs. In addition to its essential characteristics, they provide a plethora of tools to SEOs.  Do you want to know how they enhance SEO research? Come on, let us have a look quickly at it:

  • Comparing Results: Some sites like compare and contrast the results between Yahoo and Google. Furthermore, Fuzzfind compares search engines and social media. This clarifies the value of comparison in a better way. 
  • Keywords: If you want an excellent definition of keywords. Then you must go for meta-search engines. Whether textually or linguistically, you will visualize how people use a term or a keyword.
  • Clustering Search Results: Meta search engines group search terms on the basis of word derivations, phrases, and many other actors. 

What Are The Merits And Demerits Of the Meta-search Engine?

Before hopping on to a metasearch engine, it is always wise to check the disadvantages and advantages of such platforms. However, these are purely based on their characteristics which vary from one search engine to another.


There is a wide range of conceptual advantages of meta-search engines. These merits are reasons for their wide usage. 

  • A search engine like this can keep the IP address of the user’s privacy by hiding it from the search engine queries.
  • It is a powerful approach if the user wants to avoid fluffy answers. These search engines efficiently provide brief results on a topic quickly.  
  • By sending several queries to different search engines, it magnifies the topic’s coverage data. As a result, meta-search engines allow the discovery of unknown information. 


Disadvantages are part and parcel of anything. Be it a search engine or software; it must contain flaws that reduce effectiveness to some extent. So let us check out some demerits of meta-search engines in the section below. 

  • Meta Searching can sometimes create the impression that it has covered a topic more thoroughly. It happens especially if the user is looking for popular or common knowledge.
  • Most of the meta-search engines cannot cross 10 linked files. In addition, some of them have zero interaction with popular search engines, although they claim so. 
  • They are also not able to translate the query syntax entirely. Additionally, they do not provide complete results to the users because of the limited generation of hyperlinks.  

Most Popular Examples Of Meta Search Engines

There is not only one but a whole list of meta-search engines. Below we have presented a list of the best meta-search engines existing on the planet:

1. Yippy Search Engine

Yippy Search EngineIBM Watson is the developer of this search engine (Yippy Search Engine). It is popular in the market as the search engine that employs the cluster method of search. In order to access the search engine, click on this link:

2. DogPile

what is dogpile search engineDogPile is a general meta-search engine that was invented a long time ago. It extracts results from different other search engines like Bing, Yandex, and Google. You can access the search engine from this link:

3. Surfwax

It is another old and famous metasearch engine. However, Lookahead, its previous incarnation, takes its claim for its site-specific search indexing and local site search friendliness. If you want to get the website of Surfwax, hit the link here:

4. Startpage

Startpage Search Engine

The company upholds itself as the most private and secured search engine (Startpage) on the planet. Though its original name was IxQuick, it maintains almost all the privacy standards of the European Union (EU). To reach the home page, tap the link here:

5. Metacrawler

Prior to the defunct Searchsavvy, this was the second meta-search engine to be built. Initially, this was a University of Washington study. Moreover. Its inception was a pivotal moment in the growth of semantic search. You will reach the search engine from this link:

6. Creafy

It is a unique meta-search engine platform that is still in progress. From this link:, you will be able to enter the search engine. 

7. Mamma 

The developers of this metasearch engine have designed it specifically for business reviews. The link to this search engine is

The Final Thoughts 

We hope that this guide was able to clear all your confusion regarding the Metasearch engine. So now you can rock your internet exploration not only with Google but also with search platforms.

Feel free to drop your feed or any opinion in the comment box if you have any after reading this article. In addition, share this article if you feel that it is useful. Lastly, keep following our page to enjoy exciting articles on technical topics like this in the future.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of SEM and an SEO Analyst at iDream Agency. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of SMM.

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